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Harey Toddler Busy Board, Busy Book, Zipper Board, Activity Sensory Board for Toddlers 1-6 Years Old, Blue

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Harey

Peso con empaque: 0.440 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Vendedor Verificado

【Busy Board for Toddlers 1-6】The Toddler Busy Book for Toddlers 1-6 contains 4 pages of different learning accessories. All these preschool learning activities can help toddlers learn independently and enhance hand-eye coordination. The Toddler Busy Board is also an Autism Sensory Board for children with autism. 【Happy Education】This sensory board toy allows children to develop their cognitive abilities (such as colors, letters, shapes, clothes, dates, and puzzles, etc.) while learning basic life skills (shoelaces, gears, zippers, buckles, pockets, etc.). 【Travel Busy Board】Toddlers may get bored on road trips or flights and hate being restrained by car seats. Airplane toys for toddlers 1-6 are very effective in keeping children busy and quiet for a long time. The busy board can be carried by hand or over the shoulder for easy carrying.

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SKU: 897514_556bbeb5

Precio: U$S 29.32 $ 1.320

Ahorras: U$S 8.33 (25%) $ 370 (25%)

U$S 20.99

$ 950

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Más detalles del producto

【Busy Board for Toddlers 1-6】The Toddler Busy Book for Toddlers 1-6 contains 4 pages of different learning accessories. All these preschool learning activities can help toddlers learn independently and enhance hand-eye coordination. The Toddler Busy Board is also an Autism Sensory Board for children with autism. 【Happy Education】This sensory board toy allows children to develop their cognitive abilities (such as colors, letters, shapes, clothes, dates, and puzzles, etc.) while learning basic life skills (shoelaces, gears, zippers, buckles, pockets, etc.). 【Travel Busy Board】Toddlers may get bored on road trips or flights and hate being restrained by car seats. Airplane toys for toddlers 1-6 are very effective in keeping children busy and quiet for a long time. The busy board can be carried by hand or over the shoulder for easy carrying. 【Double-Sided Velcro】This toddler educational travel toy is made of high-quality felt cotton material. There are Velcro on both sides of the sensory board to ensure that the patch is always more firmly fixed to the felt and will not fall off the busy board when the toddler turns the page. 【Perfect Gift for Toddlers】The sensory activity board for toddlers aged 1-6 can be a parent-child game or a game between friends. The toddler busy board is a perfect gift for toddler boys and girls. It can also be a Christmas gift and birthday gift for children.

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¿A qué tienda pertenece este producto?

Harey Toddler Busy Board, B... pertenece al catálogo de Vendedor Verificado


¿Cuánto demora el envío de Harey Toddler Busy Board, B...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Harey Toddler Busy Board, B... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 20 y 30 dias.


¿Este producto tiene garantía de entrega?

Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
